Connor sleeping peacefully in his carrier
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…did I take this picture? Was it desperation? whimsy? boredom? stupidity? creative insight? a mistake?
I really don’t know. Why did I post it?
The flowers are tiny, but the flavour of the herb is great. Rosemary is the only herb I have successfully grown indoors in the winter.
One of my (many) hard drives died. I took it apart to see what was wrong (not really, just to see the inside).
Although it has been cool, there’s not been a lot of snow so far this year – just enough to cover the ground and decorate the trees and shrubs. I’m not sure what the red glowing dot is in the Mugo Pine in the foreground – perhaps it’s command central of the winter base for the sawfiles that attack my Mugos every year.
Normally I don’t like lights outlining the architectural features of houses. This year I was looking for some way to have some outdoor lights for Christmas. My outside evergreen trees are very small and don’t show lights well. This didn’t work for me either, so next year I’ll try something else.