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Tag Archives: Weather
Two Views From David’s Balcony
David was away for a few days in January and I went to his place to feed Mr. Kitty. The image above was taken from his balcony. There’s a lot of distortion because it is composed of 3 wide angle … Continue reading
A Bleak Day
Our new 4 lane highway into Ottawa.
Sunrise Over My Snowy Front Garden
Although it has been cool, there’s not been a lot of snow so far this year – just enough to cover the ground and decorate the trees and shrubs. I’m not sure what the red glowing dot is in the … Continue reading
Back Yard on a Foggy Morning
Early morning fog on the river. You can see some lagard geese on the left in the distance. A few still hang around, despite the cold, ice and snow.
Mississippi Ice
Water flowing through the control dam on the Mississippi River in Carleton Place has formed these ice channels. There is a lot of water flowing today – possibly to feed the hydro electric stations down stream.
Icy Morning
This is the scene from my front window that greeted me this morning as I arose early to go curling.
Remnants of Summer
Today was probably the last warm and sunny day of 2010. The bullrushes were taking a beating from the high winds that preceded the coming cold front.
Berlin’s Bicycles
Ths entry is a collection of shots of bicycles we’ve seen in Berlin over the last 2 weeks. The one pictured above, we first saw in use with six people all pedalling away, some of whom were travelling backwards. I … Continue reading
Rainy departure
As we arrived at the ferry dock to leave Pelee Island, we could see a thunderstorm approaching across the water. It was the last ferry of the day and a lot of people were trying to leave the island. We … Continue reading