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Tag Archives: Around Home
Karen and Connor
I took this yesterday during Connor and Mel’s visit. I liked it so much I had to give it its own post.
Connor’s First Visit
Connor stopped by today after his visit to the doctor for a checkup. He didn’t seem that excited to see me. Oh well… He did have lunch though.
Pizza Sauce
Pizza sauce in a cast iron pan.
Apple and Grapes #2
Another still life with the same apple and plate as yesterday, but different grapes. I know you were curious… All rendered with a high contrast black and white treatment.
My regular breakfast – a coffee and a toast, preceded by a smoothie of some sort.
Apple and Grapes #1
The plate is probably the most interesting item here. It is a piece of wood fired pottery – very rustic and beautiful.
A little Christmas decoration is OK. Sill in bah-humbug mode though.
Icy Morning
This is the scene from my front window that greeted me this morning as I arose early to go curling.
Remnants of Summer
Today was probably the last warm and sunny day of 2010. The bullrushes were taking a beating from the high winds that preceded the coming cold front.
My shadow – I haven’t thought about my shadow for a long time.