Hello world!

This is my Photo a Day (PAD) blog. My intention in creating this blog is to create a breakthrough in my life. What is a breakthrough you might ask. Well, (and this is my definition) a breakthrough is a personal transformation that occurs when you overcome some obstacle that is preventing you from being the kind of person you want to be. There are two things that I would like to accomplish with this PAD.

  • become comfortable sharing my creative output
  • be more consistent in completing the projects and goals I set for myself
  • For the next year I will take at least one photograph and post one in an entry here. Some of these may be accompanied by my words. Some may not.

    Here is my first picture. It reminds me of where I came to the decision to take on this project and also of the person who inspired me to do so.

    Coast Salish Sculpture and Olympic Mountains, Victoria
    Coast Salish Sculpture and Olympic Mountains, Victoria

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    One Response to Hello world!

    1. Dorothy Appleton says:

      What an evocative and appropriate picture with which to start your journey! The lighting on the sculpture reinforces the sense of inspiration while the distant horizon effectively suggests a journey and goal. Excellent work Tom.
      I’m a close friend of Maureen’s and mentioned to her that you might enjoy a website called pbase where you can post your photos and get feedback from other photographers. I often check this sight looking for inspiration for paintings or just to ramble. Just google pbase and I usually go to the most popular galleries.

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