Vincent Massey Park

Vincent Massey Park

I was in Ottawa today for a Little Angels board meeting (shameless plug) and had some extra time. Now that I drag my cameras everywhere with me I can take advantage of these little opportunities. The next step is to write down places to shoot when I think of them so I can make better use of these little time slots.

I walked through the park with no objective in mind. What struck me was all these picnic tables waiting for visitors. This park must be hopping on nice weekends.

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2 Responses to Vincent Massey Park

  1. maureen doyle says:

    A seemly innocent scene but there is something unsettling about the empty tables. Perhaps it’s the hard, cold metal of the tables with serrated edges…not as welcoming as wood.

  2. tom says:

    They are wood, actually. But there were several fields of tables like this. This one had the best light.

    You’re right, it did have an unsettling air.

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