I’ve been labouring on this shed.
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My next door neighbour has had a turtles nest on his lawn for the past three months. Today they hatched and the babies scuttled off in the wrong direction and ended up in the stair well to his basement. This is one of the ones he rescued. He eventually put them in the river where they belonged. I wonder how long they survived. They’re perfect snack size for a raccoon or large frog.
I took this while paddling yesterday on the Mississippi River near Ferguson Falls. You’ll notice I found it difficult to keep the boat and the camera both level. I did punch up the saturation of the reds slightly. The image didn’t seem to match my recollection of the scene.
Bonnie and I were having a nice late afternoon paddle on the Mississippi near Ferguson’s Falls today. Then the boogeyman appeared and dumped rain all over us. We avoided most of the heavy wind by scooting over to the shore before the brief storm hit.
Bonnie and I had dinner with Melanie and Sean this evening. Afterwards, we went over to check how the unpacking was going after their move. Molson, Mel’s Lab, spent some time in the back yard. He wanted to bring in his ball to play – didn’t happen.
This is Ginger in his bed. He was not amused that I got this close. Any closer and either I or the camera would have needed repair.
Bonnie and I spent the day visiting one of her college friends who lives on Rideau Lake. As we left in the morning, we gassed up at my local gas bar. As you can see it was a beautiful day. Something about the colour and shape of the gas bar’s roof and the cloud above attracted my eye.
This caught my eye from my back yard today. Also, my curling registration forms arrived today. Where did summer go?
This is the a shot of (what I presume is) the power drive from the river into one of the old mills in Carleton Place. It’s an interesting mixture of wood and iron. One of the iron gears has wooden cogs.
This is my buddy Ian who I had coffee with today. I showed him my new camera and he was impressed with it’s compact size. Not so impressed with me taking his picture though. Now he’ll be even less impressed to find his picture in my blog. Oh well.