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I worked for hours (literally) trying to create a better version if the shot that I had taken hand held in the original Mom and Me. I couldn’t get everything to work satisfactorily so I simply took a shot of her photograph and used Photoshop to blend a portion of this shot of me into. I’m now done with this idea.
This is a shot from my garden. It is a composite of two shots (overlayed) taken from the same vantage point. One shot was with a regular 50mm lens, the other with a home made pinhole lens. The two images were blended using Photoshop.
I was weeding away in the garden right next to my house when I heard this fluttering sound. When I looked, I saw a dragon fly hanging from a spiders web, trying vainly to escape. As I watched, a spider crawled down the web and onto the fly. The spider was fairly large, about 1/2 inch long, but only 1/4 the length of the dragon fly. By the time I got my camera and set it up the spider had subdued the dragon fly and was having a meal.
Today I went to Toronto (and back) for my Landmark seminar session. It’s not as bad as you might think. It was a nice sunny day, I had Classic Vinyl playing on the radio and 3 1/2 hours to think about my life – and to take a picture or 2. The sky was gorgeous with bright fluffy clouds, so I picked a spot to stop where the horizon was low so I had lots of sky. This was the one I liked the best.
One can always reuse a sky shot to spruce up an image with a boring sky. It just takes a few minutes of Photoshop work. Not that I’d do that to an image in this blog – not yet anyway.
There seems to be a theme developing. I’ve been spending a lot of time in my car lately so it seems my shots have been things that have caught my eye while driving. This shot possibility I noticed when I took an exit from Highway 7 that I don’t normally use. I was headed to a vantage point where I could take a picture of the Rock Crusher. I liked how the lines of the highway access roads curved and swooped.
I went back today and took a number of shots. This is the one I liked best. I think I need a step ladder (or a platform on the roof of my RAV4), to get more of the swooping effect and less sky.
This barn is on Glen Isle Road, near my home. I have liked its lines and proportions ever since I first saw it and have photographed it many times. I took another one today and gave it a sepia look. Although the barn is old, it probably was built in the 20 century, so not as old as the sepia treatment would suggest.
Every time I drive into Ottawa I go by the Tomlinson quarry and see this big rock crusher (I presume) from the highway. I had some time today so I stopped and took a couple of shots of it. I have wanted to do this for a while. Now I have.
After I trying to shoot something on the streets in Toronto and not being happy with the result, I thought I’d try again in Carleton Place. I still haven’t done anything I like, but I think I’m starting to understand what perhaps should have been obvious. I need to decide what it is I want to shoot – people, vehicles, buildings, scenery and the go to places where the opportunities for those shots are greatest. Anyway, Carleton Place at 4:00PM on a Friday wasn’t the best choice for any of these.
Anyway, this shot shows the “good” section of Carleton Place – the Good as New, where you can take clothes you don’t want anymore, and the Good Food Co., the best restaurant in town.